Joey’s 3 Year Old Photos

Joey and I go waaaaaaay back.  He was about 2 months old and living in Arizona.  I got to meet Joey for the first time during a lunch date with his mama, my long time friend, Heidi.  Of course I fell in love with Joey the second I saw him!  You could tell he was going to have his mom’s beautiful red hair, and Oh My Gosh those dimples!!!!!  I’ve watched Joey grow up, and develop his own personality.  He’s a great combination of both his parents.  I can’t wait to talk sports with Joey when he grows up, and convince him that, although his dad may be delusional in rooting for the Yankees, Joey does NOT in fact have to like them too!  Hahahaha Joking Kevin, you redeem yourself by working at my alma mater.   It’s been my pleasure to get to watch this little family of three welcome their baby girl AND move back to Spokane!  Thank you for supporting my photography and allowing me to document all the special milestones in your lives!  xoxo, EmmaJoey1 Joey2 Joey3 Joey4 Joey5 Joey6 Joey7 Joey8 Joey9 Joey10 Joey11 Joey12