Miss Ashley and Cameron’s Wedding Day


April weddings in Spokane, WA are always a little dicey.  And yes, we experienced all that the Inland Northwest weather has to offer!  Rain, wind and finally sunshine!  Ashley and her girls and Cameron and his fellas were amazing through out it all!  People ask me all the time if I get lots of good ideas from all the weddings I shoot, and I tell them of course I do!  I want Ashley’s dad to sing the “Our Father” at my wedding!  That man has some pipes!  Thank you Ashley and Cameron and your wonderful families for an unforgettable day!  ashley_cameron_wed1 ashley_cameron_wed2 ashley_cameron_wed3 ashley_cameron_wed4 ashley_cameron_wed5 ashley_cameron_wed6 ashley_cameron_wed7 ashley_cameron_wed8 ashley_cameron_wed13 ashley_cameron_wed10 ashley_cameron_wed11 ashley_cameron_wed12 ashley_cameron_wed14 ashley_cameron_wed15 ashley_cameron_wed16 ashley_cameron_wed17 ashley_cameron_wed18 ashley_cameron_wed19 ashley_cameron_wed20 ashley_cameron_wed21 ashley_cameron_wed22 ashley_cameron_wed23 ashley_cameron_wed24 ashley_cameron_wed25 ashley_cameron_wed26 ashley_cameron_wed27 ashley_cameron_wed28